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9 Tips For Your Visitors' Registration Solution

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It may seem that visitors’ registration is just one more operation you have to cover for your event, but we all know that check-in is crucial as it’s the first impression your attendees will get.

The registration experience can make or break the excitement they have in visiting that expo, trade show or conference if it starts off on the wrong foot while a smooth, pleasant and fast check-in procedure can help to add some more good vibes.

That means that when it comes to choosing your registration system you need to consider some major factors that will help you be on top of things when the time comes.

Let’s see 9 tips we find as the most crucial factors to consider when choosing the right provider for your events’ registration.

1. Build your database

Your visitors’ data is very important as it will help you keep them engaged over the next year, not to mention that some of them may be good candidates for exhibiting at your next events. So, a system that enables you to build an expanding visitors database which you always have access to is therefore essential.

2. Capture the right data

Not all events are meant for the same audience and that reflects in your registration forms too. Using generic website forms to collect the same data at all of your events is usually just not the best way. Depending on the nature of the event, forms shall either capture more or less information and avoid annoying your visitors by filling in unnecessary inputs if it doesn’t make sense.

Your registration solution shall provide you with dynamic registration forms that you can customize per event, and at the same time provide attendees with forms that are easy and fast to fill in.

3. Register by all means

It’s obviously necessary to let visitors register however suits them best; either via the web, their smartphone or on-site if they haven’t pre-registered. Hence, your registration solution shall cover you well in all cases and should combine visitor data regardless of how they registered.

4. Offer a smooth & easy check-in

The most annoying thing for visitors is waiting in the registration lines. Apart from provisioning the right number of check-in counters, the check-in process should be quick and easy. Scanning their QR code to print their badge is one of the fastest ways. If a physical badge isn’t necessary for attendees to enter your exhibition area, showing their e-badge on their smartphone while they enter is even faster.

A registration system that gives you the fastest options for check-in, and at the same time can record attendees at the entrance, should be at the top of your list.

5. Brand & customize

Branding your registration forms with your event’s colors is essential. But you can also seize the chance and promote your sponsors right in your forms, as an additional advertising channel. The ideal registration system shall give you all the options to completely customize your registration and check-in screens just as you like.

6. Own & protect your data

The most sensitive and tricky part of your visitors’ data is who owns it and how it is treated. Most providers intentionally avoid telling you how they are entitled to use it, or they leave it wide open stating they might use it to “improve their service”. Legally, that leaves your visitors’ data exposed to any use your provider desires and for any kind of service; even if this service is selling it. By no means should you undervalue this matter; instead prefer a provider whose contract is clear on the terms about ownership and data usage.

7. Consider system’s durability

Although it might not seem a concern for small events, for trade shows with more than 20,000 visitors, the reliability of the registration solution does really matter. Registration systems play a mission-critical role in large exhibitions and shall in no way be prone to failures or downtimes. Regardless of network issues and Internet disconnections inside the venue, the ideal system should be able to operate uninterruptedly and continue accepting check-ins and on-site registrations, even offline.

8. Save costs

Delegating the full registration & check-in process to an external provider may free you from the extra liability. However, if you organize more than one or two events annually, then it would be wiser to think about purchasing your own registration IT equipment and saving money for all your future events.

The ideal registration and check-in system should be compatible with any computer/tablet and label printer you’d like to use and, in general, should offer you both options to save costs the way you want.

9. Minimize your dependencies

Even though it’s convenient to let your provider handle all customizations for you, it is always better to have control over your registration forms and web pages. In this way, you can change things as often as you need without worrying about your provider’s availability and responsiveness.

In an ideal registration solution, you should have direct access to its management dashboard and be able to dynamically change everything, from colors, branding and logos to the form’s input fields and other setups.


These are the top 9 tips we find as the most crucial factors for evaluating the ideal registration system for most kinds of events and trade shows.

Should you start your research, you may request a free demo with one of our experts to see our system in action and explore how we uniquely cover you in all the above.

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